(Go ahead - click on the photos. You'll see a larger version.)
The game itself? Boring! It ended with a score of 63-7 - - the winning team's quarterback went down on his knee for the last four plays of the game. But there were a few fun moments - this player was on the winning team, but loosing the fumble obviously didn't make much difference.Many people are surprised at how many photos I take at a game - its usually somewhere around 700-800. Out of all those, I will have about 100 that are decent enough to sell. Why? Lots of shots are sequenced - the same scene taken with split seconds of each other. My camera takes 10 photos in one second - the better to catch the action at its peak - and I may have five photos of the running back scoring a touchdown, but only one will be of his actually crossing the goal line. Many are out of focus (operator error) or just a lousy shot. It takes a lot of time to dump all those photos into my computer, sort out the keepers, then process them to look nice for printing. Because high school stadiums are quite dark, I have to lighten up the images, crop them tighter and otherwise improve them. Of course, then I have to upload them to my web site and send them off to the newspaper's server. All this means I am up until 2 in the morning, though I often crash and finish the job Saturday morning. Exciting stuff, huh?
This may be filed under the category of "TMI." A friend told me not long ago that he thought he was taking far too many pills. When he told me he took three a day, I called him a beginner! A rookie! In the top row are the ones I take regularly - on the left are the "morning pills" and the top right are the "night pills." But, I've had a nasty nasal infection recently, and the pills on the bottom are the ones the doc has me taking to clear that up. I wonder if all those pills fight in my stomach. See what happens when you get old? I always advise my much younger friends to not get old, but of course, they never listen to me.
Weekends mean worship for me - Sunday mornings will find me enjoying the music and message at Baptist Temple - sometimes described as the most unBaptist church in south Texas. It is anything but staid - the music rocks and the multimedia is wonderful. But what I really like is that its an active place. They don't want people to just study the Bible - they want people who believe to live the Bible. I've been going there about a year now - and love it when Trang joins me.
But this is not a typical weekend. The Mystery Guest Blogger is still in Ohio, preparing to move her mother here to South Texas. I miss my lady - I guess we've gotten rather attached to each other after 38+ years, eh?
See you soon, Gril.
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