The airplane calls – the one taking us to Việt Nam for two weeks. After a week’s business in Hanoi, we’ll go see our old friends in Huê. It’s rainy season right now (Huê has already had three floods this year), so it will be iffy doing any photography. I don’t know if I will have time to blog while there – I’ll try, but no promises.
My sister has been here this week to spend some time with Mom and to begin the difficult task of cleaning out Mom’s house. I’m glad she wanted to do it – I would have done the typical bumbling male thing and used a pitch fork.
But, Mom had a treat for her daughter – just to show there is still a spark, Mom walked over to a bed-ridden patient. (As always, be sure to click on the photo to see the larger version.)
As you can see, the mind may be going, but the soul is strong.