I’ve been published in a magazine, not just a weekly newspaper. And – a foreign magazine at that. I had both writings and a photo published.
The Guide is a slick publication of the Việt Nam Economic Times. Its one of those magazines you find in airliner seat backs, fancy hotel lobbies and rooms, and in tourist bars. Its all in English. I was contacted a month ago by the editor asking permission to publish in the November edition, and of course I gave that permission. I even had a nice conversation with the Managing Editor while in Saigon at the end of our last trip. Tân was a most pleasant man, and thoroughly professional.
(As always, be sure to click on the images to see a larger version of them.)
On page 15 is a section of writings from various blogs written (mostly) by expatriates living in Việt
Nam. Mine was a posting I had written two years ago about riding a motorbike in the rain. It was pretty cool to see my own writing in a Vietnamese magazine, even if it was in English.
On the last page of the magazine was this photo – taken in the first few weeks of our time in Huê in 2005. We were on the way out from our room to get some dinner. As we walked by our team
mate’s room, we saw this – as typical a scene as you could find in Việt Nam. Like most Asians, the Vietnamese take off their shoes upon entering a domicile – and all of Julie’s students who had come over for a review lesson left their shoes outside.
There’s one big problem with the photo. Notice I was given the credit. But, I didn’t take it. The Mystery Guest Blogger took it with her little point & shoot camera. Let’s just say that when she saw the photo credit, there was some disruption to our marital bliss. It was taken from my photo web site where proper credit is given.
Now – if only the National Geographic would call. Can fame and fortune be far away?
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